The story of Pistache
This element proved popular with listeners, and in 2006 Faulks published a collection of his efforts.
Here is a sample.
SYLVIA PLATH tells the story of Goldilocks
I am the doctor who takes
The temperature of each bowl.
Daddy Bear, your gruel,
Grey as the Feldgrau,
Pungent as a jackboot,
Rises under an ailing moon.
I have been sleeping
In your bed, Daddy.
Mother’s oats are blebbed
With ruby stains of fruit preserve
Beside the glass fire
Of her blood-orange juice.
The baby’s porridge bubbles
With a foetus eye.
I swallow the sins it is not
His to shrive. I devour
The cancerous pallor
With spoons of handled bone.
I plough the winding-sheets
Of each bear bed with my
Surgical breathing, as I die and rise
Three times before dawn.
My golden hair is electric
With the light of
Borrowed stars, spread out
On my pillow of skulls.